Thursday, November 10, 2011

Michael Symon's Sweet Potato Gratin 11.10.11

Happy Thanksgiving indeed, as this is one of the suggested side dishes.  It is a tad indulgent as it calls for 2 cups of heavy cream.  If you check the recipe on The Chew website (click HERE), many folks left a few alternatives to the cream.  Half and half as well as some type of coconut liquid that does not taste coconut.

Me, I indulged.

It's not a terribly complicated recipe, but my does this make just about the best ever sweet potatoes.  the cream magically absorbs the taste of the Parmesan cheese, the creaminess is simply delicious when spiced with red chilis and scallions.  And everything is better with garlic!

And that's pretty much the recipe...

Thin slice a few potatoes.

Simmer the cream with minced red chilis, sliced scallions, smashed and finely minced garlic and LOTS of Parmesan cheese.

Preheat the oven to 375
Line a baking dish with a single layer of the cream goo
add another layer of potatoes and goo
add another layer of potatoes and goo

Baked covered with tin foil for about 35 minutes
uncover and continue to bake for about 15 minutes until you get that nice beautiful crust on teh top

Yeah, the cream adds a lot... But as far as taste, it really does add a lot.  As one of the commenters said, "Sure beats the canned yams, pineapple, marshmallow dish for the hoidays"


  1. That is VERY indulgent....but it looks absolutely amazing! I'm a big fan of sweet potatoes - they just make a Thanksgiving table!

  2. Could you substitute the red chilies for ortega roasted green chilies or just a few red pepper flakes? I have the other ingredients and I'm ready for goo and sweet deliciousness.Deni

  3. Hello out there on Chew Planet. Love your show!! although I've been preparing the Turkey Dinner for our big Italian Family and friends over the past too many years I was delighted to pick up a few tips for an even more delicious turkey dinner.It totally calmed down my nerves. Thanks Mrs DeCaro P.S. Please tell your adorable host at the mostess, Clinton of course, that his cream cheese stuffed salami trumpet rolls were a huge hit too. Ciao
